
Rights Issue Subscription

Overview Rights issue is a financial instrument representing the rights that are legally granted to the company’s shareholders to have priority in subscribing for the shares that will be issued for the company’s capital increase.

How to trade?

For shareholders of the listed company

Existing company shareholders can subscribe to the company’s Capital Increase using their owned Rights which are allocated according to their shareholdings at the start of the trading period.
Existing company shareholders can also buy further Rights during the specified trading period in order to subscribe to the Capital Increase

For non-shareholders of the listed company

Investors can buy the Rights during the specified trading period in order to subscribe in the Capital Increase shares during the specified subscription period.
The investors can only subscribe in the Capital Increase using their Rights bought until the end of the specified subscription period

How to Subscribe?

Shareholder of the Listed Company

Subscribe in the Capital Increase by referring to the methods outlined in the Company’s Rights Issue invitation.

View the Company Rights Issue invitation and website for the latest company information or contact DFM Customer Services if you have any investor-related queries on 04 305 5555 or customerservice@dfm.ae